ICSA Pre-Registration Form

To register now, fill the form below and take a note/photo of the registration details. Just present your Registration Code to the Reception In-charge on the day of your enrollment.

Personal Information

Contact Details

Please do not add country code again.
Please do not add country code again.

Course Information

Leave it empty if you don't know the Betch.

Students Declaration

You must read and put a check mark before each of the following statements.

I am fully informed of the rules and regulations of ICSA and I agree to abide with the aforementioned. I certify that I have received appropriate advice and evaluation prior to my enrollment on my chosen course

I certify that all above information that I have given is correct to the best of my knowledge and any falsification may result to denial of my application or suspension in the future if proven.

This form is considered valid only if an authorised ICSA personnel has duly signed and stamped after assessing the pre-requisite of enrollment. The fees being paid for enrollment are non refundable unless the student have not attended any of his/her classes because of unavoidable valid reasons.The Institute reserves the right to refuse any student for entry to class or examination if his/her performance in class hours is unsatisfactory and /or shows misconduct and indecent behaviour

Any course less than 250Hrs or less than 9 months is considered as certificate level and not a diploma course.

ICSA Certificate can be requested within 1 year after the date of course completion.

If 1 year passed, students may still request for the certificate upon taking the latest exam of his/her course.

Continuous non-Attendance for a period of 6(six) months without prior notice to the management will result to deactivation of the student's account. Hence He/She has to re-enroll if desired to continue the course.